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Reiki Classes Level I, II, & III

Providing Everything You Need From Novice to Master

Reiki Therapy
Image by Darius Bashar

Reiki Level I

Level I is an introduction to reiki teaching the fundamentals of the energetic body.  We give insight into the functionality and purpose of chakras, auras, and channels/grids in the body. Level I is designed to guide individuals on their path of self healing and/or ultimately becoming a reiki practitioner. 

Reiki Level II

Level II is designed for individuals interested in pursuing a career in holistic healing. You will learn business basics according to local laws, emotional healing, long distance healing, breathing techniques, qigong basics, meditation, and  self healing and recovery after sessions. 

Kundalini Yoga Studio Meditation
Reiki Therapy

Reiki Level III

After one year of  the level II training, the practitioner is ready to move on to the title of Reiki Level III Practitioner and after teaching one class the practitioner becomes a Reiki Master.

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